Examples of completed projects demonstrate the nature of our work and how it impacts watershed health throughout Clatsop county. Fish, wildlife, water quality, the economy and community life are all enhanced through this critical work.
Lower Columbia Tidal Wetland Restoration
Project Summary: In an effort to restore wetland hydrological function to two Lower Columbia habitat reserves, this project focused on the manual removal of highly noxious invasive species purple loostrife (Lythrum salicaria) and yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacoras). These two invasive species displace native vegetation by trapping sediment and affecting local wetland elevations. Among many negative impacts, displacement of native vegetation affects the off-chanel habitat provided by these marshes and alters nutrient inputs.
Manual removal of noxious species was coupled with critical native species planting (i.e Henderson’s checkermallow, Douglas aster, wapato and others).
Project Partners: North Coast Land Conservancy
Project Funders: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: $15,000; in-kind match from North Coast Land Conservancy
Total Project Cost: $19,967
Completion Year: 2019
Mill Creek Road Decommissioning
Project Summary: The goal of this project is to eliminate negative effects from road-stream crossings on Mill Creek by removing remaining fish passage barriers, culverts, and road fill along an active forest road. In partnership with Oregon Department of Forestry, the project will decommission 1.9 miles of forest road, remove culverts and fill at 22 road crossings (including 10 anadromous fish streams), restore natural drainage by removing cross drain culverts, and roughen and reseed the remaining
Completion of this project increased fish passage to 1.6 miles of high-quality spawning and rearing habitat for Coho salmon and steelhead. Hydrologic function and floodplain connectivity will be greatly improved while road-sourced sediment will be reduced. Management of the timber around this restoration project will also shift to a management plan that encompasses diverse canopy structure providing better habitat for salmonids and resident beaver.
Project Partners: Oregon Department of Forestry
Project Funders: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: $45,946; Pacific Power Blue Sky Habitat Funds: $37,491; Oregon Department of Forestry: $20,644
Total Cost of Project: $104,081
Completion Year: 2019
Blackberry Bog Riparian Restoration
Project Summary: This project planted 0.5 miles of native vegetation and over 2500 plants along Bear Creek to reduce stream bank erosion and lower water temperature within this salmon bearing stream. The project built upon a tidal restoration project conducted on the same property downstream by Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce and a large wood placement project completed by Clatsop Soil and Water Conservation District.
Project Partners: Blackberry Bog Farm
Project Funders: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: $15,000; Blackberry Bog Farm: $7,134; NCWA; volunteer
Total Project Cost:$23,234
Completion Year: 2019
Bagley Ln MP 0.44 Culvert
Project Summary: This project replaced an undersized culvert that acted as a partial fish passage barrier on Fertile Valley Creek in Knappa, Oregon. The undersized 36″ pipe was replaced with a 11.5′ wide open bottom arch, bringing the culvert above current ODFW standards. This culvert was undersized, slightly perched at low flows, a velocity barrier at high flows and was identified by North Coast Watershed Association, Clatsop County, and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife as needing replacement.
Addressing this passage barrier opened more than 1/2 mile of habitat, with good spawning gravels, to ESA listed salmonids including winter steelhead, coho salmon, and Chinook salmon.
Project Partners: Clatsop County Public Works
Project Funders: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: $10,000; Clatsop County: $73,125
Total Project Cost: $83,125
Completion Year: 2017
Wallooskee Headwaters Fish Passage and Large Wood Placement
Project Summary: This project is located in the headwaters of the Wallooskee River, a direct tributary into Youngs Bay. The completed project replaced two undersized perched culverts with open bottom arches, one on the mainstem and one on the north tributary to the Wallooskee, reconnecting 0.75 miles of spawning habitat. In addition, the project placed 34 full-spanning log complexes along 1.76 stream miles to improve fish habitat. The project was on Greenwood Resources’ Lewis and Clark Timberland property. The landowner donated the timber for the large wood complexes as well as staff time for project management. ODFW provided design and project management for the large wood structures as well as fish salvage for the culvert replacements. Conifers were planted by community volunteers above one of the culverts and near some of the large wood structures.
Project Partners: Greenwood Resources/Lewis and Clark Timberlands, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Project Funders: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: $109,439; Greenwood Resources: $190,398; ODFW: $3,200, NCWA volunteers
Total Project Cost: $303,037
Completion Year: 2015
Ecola Creek Forest Reserve Large Wood Mobilization
Project Summary: This project took place within the Ecola Creek Forest Reserve and on private Campbell Global property just east of Highway 101. Large wood structures were designed to decrease streambank erosion, provide stream complexity, improve water quality and optimize habitat for Coho salmon, winter steelhead, coastal cutthroat trout, Chinook salmon and Chum salmon. Ninety-six conifer logs were placed by helicopter throughout Ecola Creek mainstem, north, and west forks within seventeen large wood structures.
Spruce and hemlock logs utilized in the project were salvaged blow down from the 2007 windstorm and from a prescribed thinning within the Reserve. Nine additional trees were provided by Campbell Global/Lewis & Clark Timberlands for an additional large wood structure implemented within their ownership.
Project Partners: Campbell Global/Lewis & Clark Timberlands, City of Cannon Beach, ODFW
Project Funders: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: $137,054; Campbell Global: $5,500; City of Cannon Beach: $49,260
Total Project Cost: $191,814
Completion Year: 2013
View our Annual Reports:
2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2016 Annual Report